Sharing inclusivity and accessibility as a disabled woman with Limb Girdle Muscular Dystrophy
True Disability Acceptance-is it possible?
An experienced wheelchair retailer once told me he believed the older you acquire your disability, the more difficult it is for you to accept the changes that come with it. I saw buying my new wheels as a pragmatic choice, thinking of my safety, the convenience of those around me and my quality of life; but looking back now, I was not in touch with my true emotions and was harbouring a generous amount of resentment and sadness towards my situation.
LGMD, MD, MS, MND…huh??
If you have had the time to run over my previous musings you will know that I have a condition called Limb-Girdle Muscular Dystrophy. LGMD is the preferred acronym for those of us (ok most of us) that enjoy brevity in our writing (unlike what is shown in this sentence) and does not enjoy the challenge of verbalising each sound as we plonk away at the keyboard attempting to spell really long and complicated medical words correctly; and/or really don't quite understand what each word means as it's such a new concept and therefore hard to recall the full name.
When I talk to people about my condition the most common questions that I receive are related to confusion between other neurological disorders that symptomatically seem to present similarly, their acronym is very similar and the conditions are, generally, more familiar to more people. The most popular being Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and Motor Neurone Disease (MND).