Sharing inclusivity and accessibility as a disabled woman with Limb Girdle Muscular Dystrophy

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Carers Leanne Watson Carers Leanne Watson

The Carer Fix – For Those Who Really Could Care Less

Caring for someone in a physically or mentally vulnerable situation can at times be a more draining, compromising and lonely experience than their afflicted charges bear. Our disabled are marginalised, and our carers are seriously overlooked. I discuss how we can all help the support people around us.

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Carers Leanne Watson Carers Leanne Watson

Carers Need Caring Too

My life would be so unimaginably 'less than' without my wonderful, supportive, unpaid carer AKA my husband, Gaz. And like millions of unpaid and loving carers around the world he doesn't question his role because he's that kinda guy and we have always been a team.

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