Sharing inclusivity and accessibility as a disabled woman with Limb Girdle Muscular Dystrophy

Disability Support, Relationships Leanne Watson Disability Support, Relationships Leanne Watson

Five Tips for Being an Empowering Disabled Friend

The principles of an inter-abled friendship are similar to any great friendship, they can take a bit more work depending on your disability journey. Yet there can be differences, subtle and more obvious. Brought on by cultural ableist attitudes and general ignorance of what disability means - especially as there are so many disabilities.

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LGMD Leanne Watson LGMD Leanne Watson

True Disability Acceptance-is it possible?

An experienced wheelchair retailer once told me he believed the older you acquire your disability, the more difficult it is for you to accept the changes that come with it. I saw buying my new wheels as a pragmatic choice, thinking of my safety, the convenience of those around me and my quality of life; but looking back now, I was not in touch with my true emotions and was harbouring a generous amount of resentment and sadness towards my situation.

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LGMD Leanne Watson LGMD Leanne Watson

Catch Me. I’m Falling

Everyone loves it when the mailman arrives – sometimes more than others

There was a time when If I cried “catch me, I’m falling”, it was not because my company had induced a swoon. This isn’t a pass; it is the unfortunate effect of having LGMD. While my ambulatory skills were diminishing, getting up from the ground was one of the first abilities to disappear along with my butt, hip and thigh muscles.

Back in 2015 I’m sure a local Aussie Post delivery worker was happy to know I wasn’t trying out the damsel in distress routine to gain his attentions when he found me soaking up the rays on my friends front lawn one fine sunny day.

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