Sharing inclusivity and accessibility as a disabled woman with Limb Girdle Muscular Dystrophy

Equity Leanne Watson Equity Leanne Watson

Honouring Courage: How Civil Rights Impacted Disability Equity

I recently watched a fabulous documentary called Crip Camp. It provided compelling insight into the American civil rights movement as it relates to people with disabilities. The show was powerful, humbling and inspiring, and got me thinking about not only the work that has been done but how we can all play a role in achieving universal equity.

Crip Camp is set in the heady era, beginning in the 1960s, of rebellion. Dylan’s times a’changing, Woodstock, Black Panthers and eye-crossingly tight jeans, the time was a bubbling hot pot of radical societal transformations. And it was the time for Judith Huemann, a documentary subject, to pick up the momentum of the disability civil rights movement that she had been enacting on a personal level from a very young age.

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